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Remaking American Medicine Video Clip


The following video clip was taken from the seven-part video series, Pursuing Perfection in Health Care, (produced by CrossKeys Media®) which focuses on the goal of improving patient outcomes dramatically by helping provider organizations raise the bar for health care performance.  This clip is representative of the style and type of story that will be told in the upcoming Remaking American Medicine series.


Viewing video clips:

You can view the clip online or download and save it to a computer where you can later show it to a group or during a presentation.

Click play button to begin. The clip will load as it begins to play.  Please be advised that the clip will take longer to download if you are using a slower Internet connection, such as dial-up.  

You can download and save the Windows Media clips by selecting "File" on your menu bar and choosing the "Save as" option.  The video should play while it is downloading and saving.  Please allow ample time for downloading and saving, as these clips are very large in size.  Viewing and downloading times may vary based upon the speed of your Internet connection.


Chronic Disease Management Clip

Total Run Time - 11:52

Watch a Quick Time™ version here:


Watch and download a large version here:

Windows Media File (40 MB)


Quick time Clips:

Download Quick Time™ here if you do not have it already installed.

Windows Media Clips:

Visit the Windows Media Player Download Center to download the latest version.