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Medical Errors

Providing Appropriate Care

Financial Implications of Poor Quality of Health Care

1 - Institute of Medicine. 2000. To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System. L. T. Kohn, J. M. Corrigan, and M. S. Donaldson, eds. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press. - Thomas, E.J., D.M. Studdert, H.R. Burstin, E.J. Orav, T. Zeena, E.J. Williams, K.M. Howard, P.C. Weiler, and T.A. Brennan. 2000. Incidence and Types of Adverse Events and Negligent Care in Utah and Colorado. [Comment]. Medical Care 38 (3): 261-71. - Thomas, E.J., D.M. Studdert, J.P. Newhouse, B.I.W. Zbar, K.M. Howard, E.J. Williams, and T.A. Brennan. 1999. Costs of medical injuries in Utah and Colorado. Inquiry 36 (3): 255-64.

2 - Institute of Medicine. 2000. - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (National Center for Health Statistics). Births and Deaths: Preliminary Data for 1998. 1999. National Vital Statistics Reports. Washington, D.C.: Department of Health and Human Services.

3 - Institute of Medicine. 2000.

4 - National Academy for State Health Policy, State Responses to the Problem of Medical Errors: An Analysis of Recent State Legislative Proposals. L. Flowers. February 2002.

5 - Survey by Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Harvard School of Public Health. Methodology: Fieldwork conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates, December 3-December 13, 1999 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,515.

6 - Survey by Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Agency for Health Care Research and Quality. Methodology: Fieldwork conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates, July 31-October 9, 2000 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 2,014.

7 - Harvard School of Public Health/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Public Health Survey (conducted May 9-13, 2001).

8 - Schuster, McGlynn and Brook, "How Good is the Quality of Health Care in the United States" The Milbank Quarterly 76, No. 4 (December 1998).

9 - Institute of Medicine, 2003a. Fostering Rapid Advances in Health Care: Learning from System Demonstrations. J. M. Corrigan, A. Greiner, and S. M. Erickson, eds. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. - Chassin, M.R. 1997. Assessing strategies for quality improvement. Health Aff (Millwood) 16 (3): 151-61.

10 - Institute of Medicine, 2003b. Priority Areas for National Action: Transforming Health Care Quality. K. Adams and J. M. Corrigan, eds. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. - Clark, C.M., J.E. Fradkin, R.G. Hiss, R.A. Lorenz, F. Vinicor, and E. Warren-Boulton. 2000. Promoting early diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes: The National Diabetes Education Program. JAMA 284 (3): 363-5. - Joint National Committee on Prevention, 1997; Legorreta et al., 2000; McBride et al., 1998; Ni et al., 1998; Perez-Stable and Fuentes-Afflick, 1998; Samsa et al., 2000; Young et al., 2001.

11 - Balas, E.A. 2001. Information Systems Can Prevent Errors and Improve Quality. [Comment]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 8 (4): 398-9.

12 - Midwest Business Group on Health in collaboration with Juran Institute, Inc. and the Severn Group, inc., "Reducing the Costs of Poor-Quality Health Care Through Responsible Purchasing Leadership," Chicago, June 2002.

13 - Institute of Medicine. 2000.

14 - Institute of Medicine. 2000. - Bates, D.W., N. Spell, D.J. Cullen, E. Burdick, N. Laird, L.A. Petersen, S.D. Small, B.J. Sweitzer, and L.L. Leape. 1997. The costs of adverse drug events in hospitalized patients. Adverse Drug Events Prevention Study Group. JAMA 277 (4): 307-11.

15 - The National Committee for Quality Assurance, 2004. State of Health Care Quality Report. Greg Pawlson, M.D., M.P.H.; Russell Mardon, Ph.D.; Sarah Shih, M.P.H.; Oanh Vuong; Rich Mierzejewski, M.S.; Shaheen Halim, M.S.; Sarah Hudson Scholle, Dr.P.H.; Stacy Trent and Paul Rockswold, M.D., M.P.H.


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