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Presented by: Amgen Foundation   Amgen Foundation

The National Symposium serves as the culmination of the outreach campaign for Remaking American Medicine™… Health Care for the 21st Century. The four-part television series, a production of award-winning filmmakers, Crosskeys Media®, will premiere October 5 on PBS.  The Symposium, presented by the Amgen Foundation, featured national leaders in the quality movement and saluted the outstanding work of Champions of Change, individuals and institutions that are transforming American health care in communities across the country.


  • Dr. Donald Berwick, president and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement

  • Dr. Carolyn Clancy, director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

  • Dr. Mark McClellan, administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Peabody Award-winning journalist John Hockenberry served as host.  Viewers will see clips from the series and follow-up discussions with speakers.

DATE : Wednesday, September 27

TIME : 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., ET

LOCATION : The Barbara Jordan Conference Center
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Webcast: The event was Webcast and distributed via satellite to participating PBS

                stations.  For those who wish to watch the archive of the event, please log

                on to or go to and click

                on “HealthCasts.”



Symposium Speakers, Host and Panelists Biographies

Media Advisory - HTML   PDF


Symposium speakers and panelists will underscore the following themes:

Patient Empowerment: Involving patients and families in their own care
Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Supporting partnerships between 

    patients and providers
Collaboration: Encouraging health care providers to learn from each

    other in order to improve the quality of health care
Transparency: Recognizing the critical role of transparency and

    accountability within the profession


10:00   Welcome: Series host John Hockenberry
10:20   Opening presentation: Dr. Mark McClellan, administrator, Centers for

             Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
10:40   Series overview: Frank Christopher, executive producer of Remaking

            American Medicine. Marc Shaffer, series producer, presents clips from

             Programs One and Two.
11:00   Panel discussion: Moderator — Susan Dentzer, health correspondent,

             The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer

Panelists: Sorrel King, patient safety advocate; Dr. Peter Pronovost, medical director, Center for Innovation in Quality Patient Care, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; Dr. Marlene Miller, director, Quality and Safety Initiatives, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center; and Dr. Richard Shannon, professor of medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicne Q&A

12:00    Dr. Donald Berwick, president and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement


12:25    Buffet Luncheon
12:45    Dr. Carolyn Clancy, director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

1:10      Matthew Eisen, RAM co-executive producer, presents clip from Program Three.
1:20      Panel discussion: Moderator — John Hockenberry

Panelists: Dr. Anne Peters, professor of medicine and director, University of Southern California Diabetes Programs; Dr. Jeffrey Guterman, medical director, Clinical Resource Management, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services; and Carolyn Pare, CEO, Buyers Health Care Action Group Q&A

2:05      Frank Christopher presents clip from Program Four.
2:15      Panel discussion: Moderator — Avery Comarow, senior health writer, U.S.

             News & World Report

Gerald L. McClinton, patient safety advocate; Pat Sodomka, senior
vice president, Patient- and Family-Centered Care, Medical College of Georgia
Health System; and Julie Moretz, director, Family Services Development, MCG
Children’s Medical Center

3:00      Summary and recommended action items: John Hockenberry